Sarah Graham.
Before I started primary school, I told my Mum I wanted to learn to do two things. What where they? Learn to read and write. After which, I would come back home and become a bestselling author. That has, and always will be, the plan. I grew up listening to the stories of Heidi, The Famous Five, and The Little House on the Prairie. Ever since then I've been hooked on the idea of writing my own stories; inspiring people with my own ideas; letting them escape in my imaginary worlds. As a child, I lost myself in fantasies of fairies and magic. I had my imaginary friends: Robin Redbreast, Pink Rabbit, and Hazel the Woodland Fairy. These days, my characters are a little more creative, but the fact still remains that my imagination is at the forefront of everything I do.
This blog is a place for me to share my life. As well as writing and books; I love music - the kind that speaks to me; and moves me; and inspires me. I love rock, indie, and a particular Mod band known as The Jam. I also love vintage fashion - there is nothing better than searching through the bulging stores of Armstrong's Vintage Emporium of a weekend.
In my lifetime, I've seen people lose people they love, and I've been on the outskirts of popularity - looking in on relationships I will never be apart of. But I've also done amazing, witnessed amazing, things. This year, my writing was selected by the Pushkin Prizes, which meant I got the opportunity to take a week away at a creative writing workshop up north, meeting incredible young writers and successful authors. I've learnt a lot in my fourteen years of life.
Life isn't fair,
but that doesn't mean it isn't worth living.