27 Aug 2011

School: The Bane of my Life.

Ugh, school's back. Monday morning and I was waiting by the door for my my mini-bus to come puttering down the road, feeling more miserable than ever. That's why I hate school (Well, one of the many reasons, anyway): everything always the same. 7 o'clock wake up call...Groggily wrestle your way through your wardrobe's internal organs of summer clothes and Never Been Worns... Straighten your hair - the most boring, mundane task in my life (Why oh why can't I have naturally nice hair, like, erm, the rest of the universe?)... And make-up...Then you skip breakfast because you don't have time, brush your teeth, run downstairs, and out to the bus with moments to spare.

Another annoying thing is getting ready. Like physically having to doll yourself up for school. It irritates the hell out of me. My skin has been practically glowing thanks to the lack of make-up; my hair was so close to wavy I almost didn't grimace when I saw it; and now...BAM! Right back to the start. Thanks to my anxiety issues, I have the bad habit of not being able to school without having a spaz attack over my looks. Pathetic, right?

Oh, and my ENGLISH CLASS. Christ. You know Sarah Hutchison's life has reached an all time low when she gets bored in English. Long gone are the days when, in Primary school, I begged my teacher to let me stay in over break to finish my story; or when I sat up all night, perfecting my homework for the next day in class. Yes, I'm sad to say, that English is my least favourite class. Why? Because my new English teacher is an absoloute prune, who loves nothing more than to suck the life and soul out of every book we read. After a summer of writing on my own terms; experimenting with my own ideas; I'm dumped back into Set 1 English, where I find a bunch of mundane essay plans. "Write this", "Do this", "Creativity? Pah, who needs that?". Honestly, if English continues to be like this, I may just stab my Former Self in the back completely and start favouring Maths.

Oh dear lord... I cannot believe I just said that.

You know, there was actually meant to be a point to this blog, but all I seem to have done is rant to you. Oh well, perhaps next time (I am thinking of posting a short story up soon,  but who knows, I might be a Maths lover by the next time I write, and be blogging about...Um. That weird thing when they use letters instead of numbers...No guessing how bad I am at Maths...).

Sarah xxx


  1. Awww poor you - not liking English!!! my English teachers quite good but I'm really fed up with critical essays :/ Really good post btw :D

  2. I know, I never thought I'd see the day! Oh God, I know, critical essays should be banned. I just read your latest book review - really thinking of getting that book, it sounds great:)!
