18 Jun 2011


So as I've said before, my school isn't exactly fantastic. Two of my best friends, Lindsay and Emma, have/or are leaving for a private school. My family would never be able to afford the fees for these schools, but after being a Pushkin Prizewinner, my Mum thinks I might have a shot at getting in on a scholarship. We spoke to a neighbour, with two children at Lorettos, and she says I could definetly get into Lorettos for my achievement. My Mum's planning on phoning in. I'm pretty excited, and I know how lucky I'd be to get into a school like this. I'm just worried that my friend Megan, who goes to the same school as me, might feel  that I chose this opportunity over her. Would I be being a terrible friend to go after something as amazing as this?

Ugh. On Thursday night my sister and Dad had this massive arguement. I won two prizes at Prizegiving this week, and my Dad didn't even bother to text me "well done" or "good luck". Maybe I'm being immature about this, but I really would like it if he at least tried to get involved. I hate to ask him now because it all kicked off last time when I asked if he'd like to come to my Pushkin Prizegiving event - He didn't show, no surprises there. But now he went away on holiday with his girlfriend without telling us, and didn't bother texting us all week, so Emily blew off on this huge rant saying he didn't care, and he'd rather just concentrate on his new life than his life with us. It ended up with Emily texting him: "So well done Dad, you've only got one daughter now".

To be quite honest, the fact that I'm going to have to go and see him on my own now, is freaking me out. That is, if he even wants anything to do with me anymore. He's already cancelled this Sunday, and said "We'll see what happens next week". Yeah right, Dad...


  1. Wow!! I hope you get in!Sorry about your Dad though... :/

  2. Thanks! Oh it's ok, but thank you:/!
