6 Jul 2011


Lots of stuff has been happening these past few weeks and it has kinda all hit me at once this morning. Last Friday was my best friend, Emma Sturgeon,'s last day at Dalkeith High. I'm going to miss her alot and I can't believe we're not going to be seeing each other everyday. Perhaps this is a good time to mention I've known this girl since playgroup, and we've been together ever since! Not only that, but my Mum's organized my test at Lorettos. I'll be sitting a two hour and forty five minute long exam at two o'clock today and I am totally freaked out. The worst part is, I've got to be interviewed by the Admissions guy, because I'm going in for a scholarship. I am praying to God now that I do not nervous laugh/fall off my chair/etc.etc.etc. The thing is I can't help but feeling that I'm going to miss everybody too much, and I'll be disappointing all the teachers who've always supported me! I mean, if it wasn't for Mr Bruton, I wouldn't even have known about the Pushkin Prizes. As well as all this, I've now got to worry about James Hutchison again, the man who used to be my dad, despite the fact I thought I'd relieved myself of that stress forever. Now that he's legally cut our money, Mum is seriously scrabbling to make ends meet and might have to get another job to cope with it all. Why can't he just let us be happy and stop ruining our lives? Idiot.

In other news, the summer is here!
And that means only one thing to me: My Harry Potter Summer Ritual.  
OK, so I know some people think Harry Potter is geeky and stuff, but it actually isn't. J.K.Rowling is amazing. My obesession with Harry Potter stems from the nine-year-old version of myself who was absoloutely certain she was a witch. I bought my own broomstick, had my own cauldron (which is now used as a plant-pot), and I even wangled myself a kitten - who I sincerely suspect these days to be half domestic kitty, half Scottish wildcat... If that wasn't enough, I named my cat Heckie - thanks to my favourite book at that time, Not Just a Witch, about an animal cat called Hecate who wants to save the world with her magic. The point of the matter is, Harry Potter is the perfect way for me to go back into that little fantasy world I used to live in, and enjoy the stories, every summer.

Wow...That does sound incredibly geeky...

Anyway, another positive to the summer holidays is the new All Time Low album called Dirty Work - it's amazing, and if you're looking for something new to listen to, I strongly recommend it!


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